Monday, May 7

Another Bottle of Joanne Joseph

with a light Oil of Olay ('Ulay') mud colour base in her face and a jacket one shade darker than that with pinstripes. A black camisole-like thingamajig with frilly neckline.

And while Mahendra disappoints deeply once again by staying out of the public eye, Mahendra's Ties gets a fillip and a boost from Amatomu co-developer Vincent Maher.

Is Mahendra a lightning rod? Perhaps, as I start noticing the appalling sartorial misdemeanours perpetrated by the SABC on the unsuspecting public eye. Not only Altus, but also Felicity from 7th Avenue requires mass scrutiny. Have you seen those OUTFITS? F--k me gently on a summer afternoon, but Here! I mean, she is a fashion designer but often looks like a geisha who's had too much LSD before getting dressed. What's up with those very colourful cummerbands wound tightly around her waist, clashing like civilisations with the colour of her dress? Is that supposed to signal her 'creativity', her designer's idiosyncracies? Nee God man.

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