Tuesday, May 27

In the most unlikely places

Mahendra and a red tie pop up in this blog-post which, even if it shows no unerring focus on the said man's ties, does show that Mahendra and a tie perhaps are settling into the national unconscious:

"And Mahendra's red tie is giving me a moer of a headache."

Monday, May 26

Monday Mahendra

Switch on your television right now for the shocking site of the Raghunath decked out in a deep red, orange, and pastel blue tie, "complemented" by an orange shirt. I kid you not!

Have also been wondering if our man's had a haircut? But I haven't been following him regularly, so I could be wrong on this...

Saturday, May 24

Shimmering Tsepiso

It's hard to keep my eagle eye focused on the more frivolous aspects of the news, when the actual news stories are so horrifying...

Tsepiso did give me a laugh last night though, when she referred to "South Africa's biggest mineworkers' union, the National Union of MIneworkers...". Like, duh!

She was wearing a shirt that I'm sure was one of Mahendra's ties in a previous life. The shiny fabric had a pattern of thin black-and-gold stripes. They shimmered in front of my eyes until it seemed as if she were a living optical illusion... Bizarre.

Wednesday, May 21

Making the news

Missed the news again tonight. Sorry, I know this is getting boring and repetitive for my readers.

So, tomorrow, I shall endevour to find out how to use the parentals' PVR. Actually, make that the day after tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I am going to help collect and sort clothes and food for the victims of the xenophobic attacks in Jozi. Perhaps our efforts shall make the news... I wonder if Mahendra will donate any of his ties?

Tuesday, May 20

A red-tie day

Finally spotted Mahendra. I didn't notice that he's put on weight, perhaps he's been hitting the gym?

He seemed rather up-beat, especially at the beginning of the bulletin, which provided a strange contrast to the subject matter of the news (xenophobic attacks). I really liked his tie - a glossy red - and sober grey jacket.

This is my first attempt at live blogging, and Mahendra has just wished us all a "lovely evening". Over and out.

Still missing Mahendra

Damnit, I missed the news again last night. Being back in a country that has a social life means I get to see Mahendra as rarely as when I was in Liechtenstein! I am going to see if he ever reads the lunch-time news. Such a pity he doesn't work for e.tv or we would have 24-hour access come June.

Sunday, May 18

The return of the slacker

I must confess, missed the news last night, and will be out again tonight. Places to see and people to do, etc. But I hope RK, AT, or CM (when she returns from Cannes!) will pick up the slack, now that I've started to post more regularly again.

Saturday, May 17

Still no Mahendra

So, last night Tsepiso was reading the news. She seems to have put on weight since I left, or perhaps it's just the softer hairstyle that doesn't make her eyes look so squinty. She was wearing a dull pink/lilac (can't remember it was that boring) jacket.

Still no Mahendra. I cannot believe that my devotion is unrequited, so I hope he will reward us with an appearance this evening.

Friday, May 16

Who is she?

So, I managed to convince my father to flick to the news last night, even though he was watching some cricket thing at the time. No Mahendra though - instead, a woman I haven't seen before. Could someone please enlighten me as to her name? I can't believe Mahendra wasn't reading the news to welcome me home - poor form!

Monday, May 12

Mahendra´s wet dream

I´m kind of cheating, cos I already posted this on my personal blog. But hey, I got all misty eyed when I remembered my former life as a Mahendra-spotter, and it was personal. Nevereless, I thought the wider Mahendra-spotting community might also enjoy reading it, so here goes:

"During my time over the seas there have been many people, places, and weather patterns that I´ve missed. One of these is the indomitable Mr Raghunath. Why, oh why, can´t I watch the SABC3 News over the Internet?

As I was walking back to the train station in Brighton, I had a particularly sharp pang of Mahendra nostalgia when I passed GBTies.com. At first I thought it would be Mahendra´s wet dream, but realised some of the ties were too garish even for the Raghunath´s tastes. Unfortunately, I couldn´t go inside, as it was closed, but had some fun window shopping, with Mahendra in mind. I think he might have liked the purple tie (second row, forth from the right). Which one do you think would have taken the Raghunath´s fancy?"

Will be home soon, and plan on getting in plenty of Mahendra-spotting, and hopefully revitalising this blog, so watch this space!