Wednesday, July 4

Oh so sombre Mahendra

It was a beautiful day in Cape Town. The sun shone and people went about in t-shirts and shorts. I was in a black mood because I was stuck indoors with the flu. The only thing I had to look forward to to cheer me up was Mahendra.

Alas, it was not to be. He looked suitably sombre in grey and black kicking off the news with the grim Taliep Peterson story. My mood sank. I thought he was going to burst out in tears dragging me along with him.

The news did not get better with no reprieve in the sports section - banning the Springboks (?), Wimbledon (maybe) raining out. Sigh. He managed a smile on bidding us adieu but it was too little too late to save the day.

And then Simon appeared in a white tie, light grey(?) shirt and pitch black jacket. It felt to me like the whole country was crying with me.


Anonymous said...

Has anybody ever noticed that sometimes Mahindra has eyebrows and sometimes not - depending on how much foundation has been layered on?

Anonymous said...

Indeed. Check out or post dated 17 May.

Betenoir said...

you know, they thing about Mahendra is that he cares, deeply, about his fellow South Africans. This Taliep thing has hit him really hard.

TM said...

Despite the sombre tone of the news, I was really glad to see Mahendra - I'd missed him over the last few years, and was beginning to wonder if he'd gone on holiday to Grahamstown to cavort with his Black African dramatist friends.