Monday, July 16

Mouthwatering Mahendra

Jammer mense, some of us had been away eating oysters instead of watching Mahendra reporting on people eating oysters. I can now tell you about the French Oyster, Namibian Oyster and Knysna Oyster. None of them should be avoided. ‘Smul Voort’ is die lese, don’t hesitate. And while he was seemingly casual in reading the news about the Knysna Oyster Festival you could tell that the Ragunath was ready to trade his cufflinks for an oyster or two.

Mahendra looked like dessert last night in a Mocha shirt and Chocolate tie, beautifully served in a charcoal grey suit. The full flavour of the Chocolate Spring Roll and Honeycomb Ice Cream (the best damn ice cream I have ever had) RK and I devoured at the Cruise Café returned to me in force. My mouth watered. Mahendra looked delicious.

But going back in time before all this happened - I noticed that our man was not on the Weakest Wink’s panel of celebs last Saturday. My research tells me that he has never participated. What is up with this Fiona? Afraid of being upstaged?


RK said...

Spam and comment in bad taste deleted.

Crabmommy said...

My Lord, your description of the man made my mouth water for my motherland and the Mahendra within it. I get so homesick here in the USA. Nothing tastes as good as it does in SA. Not the fruit, not the veg, not the meat, the ice cream, the crappy sweets. Thanks for a post chock full of Proustian bittersweetness...I close my eyes and I am almost home.