Friday, April 27

A miss and a miss, again and again

There was no TV on Wednesday, so no Mahendra was spotted. Did Mahendra appear? I don't know, and where are the other field agents who are supposed to be on the lookout? Were they all out, eating, drinking, living it up, letting the colourful one slip by?

Thursday evening, Mr Mahendra was elusive. What is up with Mahendra? Is all this scrutiny getting to him? I must say, I am getting tired of describing all the wannabe Mahendras and Mahendrases, like Joanne Joseph in her new Madonna haircut and sloppy blue (nice colour though) jacket that looks quite cheap with the one collar curling up and that ribbon or whatnot used to tie the jacket at her stomach. I mean, I like her, she's a good newsreader, she generally dresses well and sober, but, she IS NOT MAHENDRA.

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